More than one (fragile) thing at a time is a new publication on muf architecture/art.
The publication combines the book as a free, web-based resource with a print-on-demand analogue version that you can put together yourself by selecting from a menu of chapters.
Katherine Clarke's Horse in its one of its previous homes, at the muf architecture/art studio in Central Street, Islington, London
View online
The whole content can be seen here as a digital resource. To explore this, click on the chapters and pages in the Contents list, or explore the bubble diagram on the front page of the site. Included here are the names of some of muf's key collaborators over the years, and all the people who have worked in the muf architecture/art studio since it began in 1994 – we call this the Family Tree.
Order your bespoke printed copy
You can select chapters to be included within a bespoke print-on-demand analogue book. To do this, use the Choose/Add Chapter and Publish buttons in the top bar. The minimal charge for this covers the printing and postage fees and contributes to the maintenance of this site.
For further instructions click on
How it works in the top bar.
Premature Gratification and
Other Pleasures
21st Century Project: Art Camp
Setting and Response
Catalogue of Parts
Names & Meanings
Hard Facts
21st Century Project: Barking Town Square
Setting and Response
Catalogue of Parts
Names & Meanings
Hard Facts